Spectators 2022

Unfortunately, Rally Hokkaido 2019 and 2020 were held without spectators, due to COVID-19 situation. Whiie we are working to hold the event with spectator this year, we may be required to close the event for specatators depending on the development of COVID-19 situation. Your kind understanding is highly appreciated.

19Jul v1.2

Language:Japanese only


In motorsports, safety always comes first, and it includes your safety. Please watch the Spectator Safety video provided by FIA before your trip to the Rally Hokkaido.
FIA Spectator Safety Video (1:58)

Important Notices

Unauthorised use of drones are prohibited.
Live streaming from special stages require prior approval by the Organiser, as well as puiblishing stage videos. Please contact the rally secretariat if you plan those activities.

(c) 2013 Rally Hokkaido.