Only 1 week to go for On-line Rally Hokkaido – Are U Ready?


Now only about a week to go for On-line Rally Hokkaido.  Those who competed the previous round, Whangarei, have you secured your schedule?

Those who plan to compete the digital APRC for the first time next week, have you got everything you need to compete the event? If you are novice driver in the e-Sport, you might be wondering what is required and how you can prepare them. While it is clear you need a gaming console (Playstation4, xbox or PC) and DiRT Rally 2.0 software, you might be wondering if you need a steering wheel controller or not.

Is Steering Wheel Mandatory for DigitalAPRC? 
Well, the answer is NO – you can still drive rally cars without it in DiRT Rally 2.0 and complete Digital APRC. You might  have seen photos star rally drivers competing virtual events such as Solberg World Cup, in sport bucket seat and holding steering wheel, facing large LCD monitor. Those are nice but can be quite expensive, but pelase relax. You can compete without such luxury setup.
Some people prefer that style for near-real-world experience, but you can even compete with standard gaming controller pad which comes with the console, and there are people who actually completed the Whangarei round with it. Yes, you can compete without spending money for extra hardware.
Still, you might want a steering wheel to gain close-to-reality experience – if yes, there are wide variety of third party products, with price tags ranging from approx JPY10,000 to above 100,000.
This comparison site might help you findig right product for you (sorry, Japanese language only):
NOTE: This does note mean Rally Hokkaido recommends, certifies or guarantees any of those products.

3 or more digital APRC rounds are currently planned after On-line Rally Hokkaido, so it might be a good opportunity to get one for you for more fun on the virtual rally.



(c) 2013 Rally Hokkaido.